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Exemples de répertoires

En 2 pianos

Past recitals:

In 2 pianos:

"Dream of the Orient"

Saint-Saëns: Bacchanalia from Samson and Dalida

Arutunian: Armenian Rhapsody

Saint-Saëns: Arabian Caprice

Rimsky-Korsakov: Scheherazade


"A Pocket Orchestra"

Liszt: The Preludes

Ravel: The Waltz

Mendelssohn: The Hebrides

Rachmaninoff: Symphonic Dances


"Diaghilev's dream: the Russian ballets"

Debussy: The Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun

Mussorgsky: A Night on Bald Mountain

Rimsky-Korsakov: Scheherazade


“Long live Spain! »

Chabrier: Spain

Debussy: Lindaraja

Infante: Three Andalusian Dances

De Falla: Fire Dance Ritual

Ravel: Spanish Rhapsody


In 4 hands:

"The child and his spells"

Debussy: Little Suite  

Faure: Dolly

Caplet: A Lot of Little Things

Stravinsky: Petrushka


"A Pocket Orchestra"

Mendelssohn: The Hebrides

Debussy: The sea

Grieg: In the time of Holberg

Strauss: Overture to The Bat



Rossini: Overture to The Barber of Seville

Kapustin: Sinfonietta

Mozart/Anderson: Papageno!

Strauss: Bat Overture

Mozart/Buttall: Samba a la Turca





En 4 mains


« L’enfant et ses sortilèges »

Debussy : Petite suite 

Fauré : Dolly

Caplet : Un tas de petites choses

Stravinsky : Petrouchka


« Un orchestre de poche »

Mendelssohn : Les hébrides

Debussy : La mer

Grieg : Au temps d’Holberg

Strauss : Ouverture de La chauve-souris


« Humoresques »

Rossini : Ouverture du Barbier de Séville

Kapustin : Sinfonietta

Mozart/Anderson : Papageno !

Strauss : Ouverture de la Chauve-Souris

Mozart/Buttall : Samba a la turca

"Rêveries impalpables"

Mel Bonis : Le songe de Cléopâtre


Fanny Mendelssohn : Quatre pièces

Amy Beach : Summer dreams

Reynaldo Hahn : Sept Berceuses

Les spectacles

" The Pilgrim Monkey":  A journey from east to west with storyteller Marianne Sytchkov

This adventure is above all a story of meeting between three artists and teachers of Taiwanese, French and Russian origin. It is also an imaginary and sound bridge between Asia and Europe.
It's finally the opportunity to learn: do you know that it is this Chinese epic of the 15th century which is at the origin of the famous Dragon Ball? Did you know that classical music composers have often been inspired by legendary stories but also by Asia?
And it is above all a complete trip... Let yourself be transported!

"My dear Debussy" with actress Emmanuelle Meyssignac

Reading excerpts from Claude Debussy's correspondence highlights the composer's personality, his influences and also the legacy he left to the modern musical world.

works  by Debussy, Moussorgsky, De Falla and Messiaen.

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